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Crypto Trade Surveillance

Identify orders, executions and DEX trades that defy the market norm

Detect suspicious on/off-chain trading patterns
Quickly test and deploy trade surveillance algos
Streamline your compliance workflows
Trusted by crypto compliance teams and regulators globally
Detect suspicious on- and off-chain trading patterns
Identify market abuse in real-time. Address it with an intuitive alert and case management workflow.
Model Optimization
Optimize Your Detection Models Performance
Test your trade surveillance algorithms against historical data. Adjust model sensitivity. Deploy when ready.
Reconstruct the Market with Powerful Visualizations
Uncover trade patterns by plotting account activity against market events, enabling your analysts to quickly and easily apply contextualization and compare potentially abusive scenarios to normal market behaviour
Learn more
Identify orders, executions, and DEX trades that defy the market norm
Detect, investigate, and report suspicious crypto deposits and withdrawals
Scan millions of token contracts to identify fraudulent fund flows
See it in Action
Learn how Solidus Labs can help
safeguard your crypto business

Learn more about crypto market manipulation

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